Selasa, 24 Desember 2013

ho to be a good student

              THE GOOD STUDENT
                   By : Imam Satria

All of students in this world didn’t know about the benefit of the presure and spirit to be a good student. They don’t know about the goals, why are they should be the good student. For the purpose of this article, the writer decides to explain about some benefit of that, and some important points learn about how to be a good student. The effects are : First, be a decipline young, second, be a polite young, third, having a good passion, fourth, study harder than before, fifth, having the best ranking in the class, after that, get a good looking, and , and then, get the prresure and positive thinking. Focusly, this article will discuss about them.

Firstly, you can be a decipline young in your life, you start the day with the simple way,  you ussualy on time in everything you do, you woke up earlier, go to school slowly, and then you can do all of your task without strees.

Secondly, you can be a polite young, as we knew, today the student aren’t know about the personality, the good student should has a good personality, if you have it , the people will make a good mark and good statement for you.

Thirdly, you get a good passion in your future. Actually, every student has a passion, but the passion isn’t connect with their skills, you should know if the good student make a planing according to his abillity, he should know what he can to do for future. So, you can make a choice from many passion in your mind right now.

Next, you will be more deligent than before, study harder, throw the lazy face, and then you can finish all of your task without strees, and it will be new spirit on your days and finally you get a good mark on every lesson in your class.

Then, automatically, you can get best ranking in your class, more student didn’t know how to get it, actually, it is too simple. There is only one way, what’s that??? , study hard, don’t give up ,don’t hate the lesson, and keep the spirit in every subject. It will make you happy and take care in all of subject in your class.

After that, if you do all the best what you have, your friends or your teachers will make a good mark on you. So, everything what you do , you’ll get a good looking. Surely, everybody see your personallity and adopt your appearance.

Finally, you get a new spirit cause of your work , so that, you can stay “GOOD BYE” to lazy time, you can finish your activities clearly. Then ,you can make a possitive thinking in  Every thing that you do, throw out the negative thinking far away from your mind, it will make your life more comfortable than before, and the goal is to make you better, and be a good student now and later.

From the explanation, we can take a conclusion. If you want to know about how to be the best, you should do your best for your education and your future. Eight points are explained by writer will be yours and grew in your self. If you have a big spirit to be a good student, you don’t need to think more, just do it right now and get all of the benefits. As we knew ,Mario Teguh said, “ you are young, be yourself, be a simple student, and get your passion, because the succes was waiting for you.” 

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