Senin, 16 Desember 2013

The Implementation Of Index Card Match Strategy To Increase The Students’ Ability In English Vocabulary At VII Class Students of
 SMP Karya Bunda Medan EstateIn Academic Year 2012/2013


A.    Background Of Study
Vocabulary is collection of words that knows the meaning and can be used by someone in language . Vocabulary is the set of words within a language that are familiar to that person. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning a second language.Vocabulary is commonly defined as all the words known and used by a particular person. Knowing a word, however, is not as simple as simply being able to recognize or use it. There are several aspects of word knowledge which are used to measure word knowledge.
            Learning vocabulary is one of the first steps in learning a second language, but a learner never finishes vocabulary acquisition. Whether in one's native language or a second language, the acquisition of new vocabulary is an ongoing process. Some words cannot be easily linked through association or other methods. When a word in the second language is phonologically or visually similar to a word in the native language, one often assumes they also share similar meanings. They  are many techniques, methods, medias, and especially strategies which help  in  improving the students’ mastery in English vocabulary.
            Strategy is a way that the teacher used in teaching the material. There are many strategies that can be used in teaching , they are : jigsaw, card sort, information search, critical incident, index card match, and etc.
            Ideally, if the teacher used the different strategy in teaching the material of study, so the students’ ability in English vocabulary will be increased too.
            But based on my first observation, I found many students at VII class SMP Karya Bunda still have difficulties to improve their mastery of English vocabulary. One of the problems is the students do not understand the meaning of English vocabulary. In the process of teaching and learning vocabulary, it can be seen by the mistakes that they made in the vocabulary task that has given by their teacher.
            This condition happened as the students still don’t understand about the English vocabulary meanings, on the other hand , the teacher always used the monotone strategy in teaching.
            To solve this problem, it’s better  to use a different strategy such as Index Card Match strategy. It’s hoped that by implementing this strategy the students’ ability in English vocabulary can be increased, as one of the advantage of Index Card Match strategy is to review the material of study that explained by the teacher on the previous meeting.
            This why I want to conduct a research with the title “The implementation of Index Card Match strategy to increase the students’ ability in English vocabulary at VII class students of SMP Karya Bunda Medan Estatein Academic Year 2011/2012“.

B.     Formulation Of Study

·         How is the students’ ability in English vocabulary ?
·         How is the implementation of Index Card Match strategy ?
·         Can the students’ ability in English vocabulary be increased by implementing the Index Card Match strategy ?

C.     Aim of study
      To identify the students’ ability in english vocabulary.
      To identify the implementation of index card match strategy.
      To identify the increasing of students’ ability in english vocabulary by implementation index card match strategy.
D.    Significant of study
      To improve the problem in knowledge.
      1. The Principal, to make an insruction concept.
      2. The Teacher, to make a map concept in learning.
      3. The Student, to motivate their selves in learning.
      4. The other researcher, as a comparison to study the same topic.


  1. Theoritical Concept
            Vocabulary is the words that make up a language, Vocabulary is commonly defined as all the words known and used by a particular person. According to Hornby in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines vocabulary as a total number of the words, which make up a language and that person, know or use. (Hornby in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 1995: 1331-1506). Knowing a word, however, is not as simple as simply being able to recognize or use it. There are several aspects of word knowledge which are used to measure word knowledge, before learning any further  about the four skills, it neccesary to know the vocabulary. According to Suyanto (2007:118) said “ that the definition of vocabulary is collective word owned by one language and gives the meaning if we use the language”.
Learning new words or vocabulary is important part of learning new language. Even children learning their native tongue ussualy learn isolated words or phrases before piecing them together into more complex utterance. Learning some words  and phrases in a new language allows people to start communicating at once.  
            As Wilkins wrote in 1972 (1972:111) “the fact is that while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. So, as beginer of language learner, learning vocabulary is the first step on learning English language. As we know  the importance of a vocabulary are :
      An extensive vocabulary aids expression and communication.
      Vocabulary size has been directly linked to reading comprehension.
      Linguistic vocabulary is synonymous with thinking vocabulary.
      A person may be judged by others based on his or her vocabulary.
They  are many techniques, methods, medias, and especially strategies which help  in  improving the students’ mastery in English vocabulary.
            Strategy is a way that the teacher used in teaching the material. There are many strategies that can be used in teaching. One of the strategy is Index Card Match strategy. It is an active and fun way to review class material. It allows students to pair up and quiz their classmates.
            This strategy builds student confidence as it allows students to pair up and quiz the rest of the class by reading aloud their questions and challenging classmates to tell them the answers . This activity is used as an ice breaker or to teach concepts, classification characteristics, facts about objects, or review information.The physical movement featured can help to energize a tired class.
The process of index card macth are :
      Create index cards containing concepts, theories, terminology, problems, or questions regarding anything being taught in the class. You will need enough for half of the students in your class.
      On separate cards, write the definition, answer, or information that corresponds to the item.
      Combine the two sets of cards and shuffle thoroughly.
      Give one card to each student. Explain that each card has a matching card.
      Direct the students to find the student with the matching card and then to sit together without identifying to others what item they have.
      Have the students quiz the rest of the group on the topic by reading aloud the definition, giving an example of the item, or walking students through the problem.
teachers can develop cards that are missing one word out of a sentence while the corresponding card contains the missing word.teachers can also create an example card with multiple solutions and have the students form groups instead of pairs (i.e. “What is an example of a way to give good customer service?”) and when they quiz the group, they can obtain multiple answers to the question.
In groups, teacher can provide a shuffled deck of words or phrases that outline the stages of a process and have the groups arrange the cards in sequence. Have a whole class discussion on the correct sequence and how students can remember the sequence.
The adventages of  index card match strategy are :
1)      Students can perform the practice independently, encourage and praise their self-managed behavior
2)      Provide ongoing activities for students to turn to as they finish assigned work.
3)      As students become more competent, build on these skills and expand students’ repertoire of independent activities
4)      The center allows students of varying abilities to study together.
5)      The center provides an opportunity for students to study independently and successfully without strees.
6)      The center activities are sufficiently open-ended to allow for creativity while structured enough for students to know when they have met expectations.
             (Fountas & Pinnell, 1996).
The disadventages of  index card match strategy are:
1)  Need too long time for the students finish their task.
2)  Teacher should give more time to do this strategy.
3)  It spends many time to make the preparation.
4)  The center allows students of varying abilities to study together.
5)  It makes the class situation be unconfortable and it can make the other class  unconcentration.(Fountas & Pinnell, 1996).
B.     Related Study

In doing the research, I found some previous research that can be based on consideration for my research. In this point, I try to explain what the previous researches discuss on their research. And I will take some points of their researchers that are related to my study.
First, Amti’ah (2012) Using Of Word Wall Technique To Improve Vocabulary Of Sevent Grade Students Of Mts Nu Banat Kudus In Academic Year 2012/2013. The aim of her research is to find out whether or not there is a significant difference between the mastery of English vocabulary of the seventh grade of MTs NU BANAT KUDUS in academic year 2012/2013 students taught by using word wall as a media and taught by using dictionary.The procedure in teaching English vocabulary by using word wall, as follows:
a.       Step one : preparation
It is selecting a place in the room for your word wall. Large sheets of poster paper or a dedicated white board work wall.
b.      Step two : building your word wall
Before you reading a text, watching a video or studying new material, assign students, possibly, working in pairs, a term to define for the class word wall. You can also require students to present an image or graphic that represents the meaning of this word. Associating an image with a word is one way to help students remember definition.
c.       Step three : adding to your word wall
New terms can be added to the word wall as needed. Students can also update the definitions on their word wall as they develop a deeper understanding of key term.
And the subject of this study is all of sevent grade students of MTs NU banat Kudus in academicyear 2012/2013, that amount 131 students. Research as taken just by 40 students of class VII A were purposively selected as the sample of the research. To measure the accurateness data of her research ,she use test and observation. She also explains that test is the series of questions or exercises used to measure skill, knowledge of intelligence, ability or talents possessed by individual or group. While, non test includes giving questionnaires, interview, observation, rating skill and document.
Teaching English junior high school is not only limited to four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing but also in the mastery of vocabulary. The mastery of English vocabulary the writer giving the test in form multiple choice test for the students. In this research, the writer uses Word Wall as a media in teaching English vocabulary. Word Wall is a media in teaching English vocabulary that uses words displayed in large letters on a wall or other display place in the classroom.
The test that is uses has to fulfill the validity and reliability to get the accurate data. Reliability of the test shows the stability of test score regardless of what the test measure. Reability show a means that an instrument is reliable if it can be enough to believe quite well. To make sure that the test is reliable, before using the test items for the control group and experimental group. The writer tries out the test on class VII A of MTs NU Banat Kudus.
Then, the result of the try out test is calculated to find the test reliability by using the person product moment formula.  
                        T test   =          M1-M2
                                                SE m1-m2
                                    M  =    EX
According to the explainations above, we know that the role of teacher is very important in the teaching and learning process. The success of the teaching and learning process depends on several factors the most important is the teacher. The teacher has to give the students some interest in language learning especially in learning English
Second, Pramudika fahrudin (2011) The Use of  Pictures Effective to Improve Students’ Vocabulary for The Fourth Grade Students of Mi Al-Amin Pejeruk In Academic Year 2011/2012. The aim of the research is to find out whether the use of pictures  effective to improve students’ vocabulary for the fourth grade students of MI AL-AMIN Pejeruk in academic year 2011/2012.For vocational high school students, learning English as foreign language is not easy. English teacher should provide pleasant atmosphere to invite the motivation and interest of the students. It is done to take students’ ease in acquiring the language, not only get the prospect of what they have learnt but also they should get satisfactory from the learning. The advantages of picture for teaching vocabulary mentioned as follow;
1.         The picture motivated the students to learn vocabulary. By seeing picture, it gives stimulation which enable the learner memorize new vocabularies.
2.         Pictures are easy to understand  by all age. The pictures are so simple and easy to use. Pictures can create relaxing atmosphere, so students can enjoy the class.
3.         Pictures kept the students interested and made the students active in answering the questions.
4.         Presenting the pictures to the vocabularies in the beginning of the lesson, it allow students to associate the pictures with meanings rather than meaningless memorization.
5.         Using picture as class aid for teaching vocabulary can create long-term memorization. Instead of learning vocabulary trough word memorization only which may create short-term memory.
Picture is one of educative media. Picture is something that we can see, in other word picture is visual. Picture gives stimulation which enables the learner memorizes new vocabulary. Learning foreign language means learning new vocabulary which sometimes totally different than our native. Indonesian student who learn English as foreign language, must know and memorize thousands of English vocabulary. As we know the key for a successful of language learning is by memorizing list of words as many as we could. In fact, children of elementary tend to rely more on memory, but they also have sufficient maturity to meet the rigours of a formal learning environment, where concentration, attention and even the ability to seat still.
Picture is used by teacher to stimulate student memory and it is one of strategy to attract students’ attention in learning vocabulary. From experts opinion that written previously, the researcher can conclude that picture has fulfill its function as educative media for example; it can improve students’ motivation and it also provide stimulus that may upgrade student’s memory and attention. Picture can be classified into visual aid and picture also is material that easy to find. 
The subject of this study is the fourth grade students of MI Al-Amin Pajeruk in academic year 2011/2012. There are two classes, those are IVA and IVB, which consist of 20 students at IVA and 20 students at  IVB . So, the total number of the subject of study are 40 students. To measure the accurateness of data of his research, he used test and observation.
The Formulation
                        T test   =          M1-M2
                                                SE m1-m2
                                    M  =    EX
The instrument that used on pre-test and post-test was in the form of multiple choice and matching pictures. There were 15 item of multiple choices and 10 item of matching pictures. There were twenty five questions in total, each correct answer was scored 4, and 0 for incorrect one, so the total score was 100. The students had the same questions both in pre-test and post-test but the question number put randomly.

C.     Thought of framework
Vocabulary is basic knowledge of language, especially in English. Vocabulary is used by the students to understand the sentences of English, in making sentences, students must know words which the want to use. Vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings. However, vocabulary is more complex than this definition suggests. First, words come in two forms : oral and print. Oral vocabulary includes those words that we recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary includes those words that we recognize and use in reading and writing . Second, word knowledge also comes in two form, receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words that we recognize when we hear or see them. Productive vocabulary includes words that we use when we speak or write. They are many methods, medias, techniques,and especially strategies which help in  improving the students’ mastery in English vocabulary.
Strategy is a way that the teacher used in teaching the material. There are many strategies that can be used in teaching , they are : jigsaw, card sort, information search, critical incident, index card match, and etc. , index card match is an active strategy and fun way to review class material. It allows students to pair up their classmates. This strategy give the rules for class discussion ,give points for oral contributions and preparing the student individually.
 In this strategy teachers Teach the student to ask questions in class, specifically teach body and language expression. Waiting for students to respond and teachers don't call on the first student to raise his hand, than ask questions at the information level and giving facts and asking for facts back; then have the student break in gradually by speaking in smaller groups and then in larger groups.
Ideally, Teachers should model an enthusiasm for and curiosity about new words through their own behaviors and attitudes. Teachers who are enthusiastic about vocabulary development will automatically look for "teachable moments" throughout the day, pointing out interesting words as they crop up in texts, stories, or conversation; asking students to explore alternative ways of expressing concepts; and helping identify colorful, descriptive ways of speaking and writing .
Basicly, every teacher has the strategy in their lessons. The relevancy is if the teacher used the different strategy in teaching the material of study, so the students’ ability in English vocabulary will be increased too. Learning new words is important part of learning a new language. It will be impossible to make sentences when speaking a language without knowing words or vocabularies . There are many ways to improve the student ability in English vocabulary, perhaps even too many. It might be challenging for students who decided to build their English vocabulary, and teacher should choose the right strategy of teaching for increasing the student mastery in English vocabulary.
D.    Hyphotesis
{The implementation of Index Card Match strategy can increase the students’ ability in English vocabulary}

A.  Location
This research is done inVII class students of SMP Karya Bunda Jl. Vetpur Utama (komplek vetpur-ABRI) No. 77 Medan Estate.

B.  Subject of study
The subject of this study is all of VII Class Students of SMP Karya Bunda Medan Estate In Academic Year 2012/2013. There are two classes, those are VIIA and VIIB, which consist of 20 students at VIIA and 20 students at VIIB . So, the total number of the population is 40 students.

C.Variable Operational definition Observational
Index Card Macth strategy builds student confidence as it allows students to pair up and quiz the rest of the class by reading aloud their questions and challenging classmates to tell them the answers . This activity is used as an ice breaker or to teach concepts, classification characteristics, facts about objects, or review information.The physical movement featured can help to energize a tired class. The process of this strategy are :
      Create index cards containing concepts, theories, terminology, problems, or questions regarding anything being taught in the class. You will need enough for half of the students in your class.
      On separate cards, write the definition, answer, or information that corresponds to the item.
      Combine the two sets of cards and shuffle thoroughly.
      Give one card to each student. Explain that each card has a matching card.
      Direct the students to find the student with the matching card and then to sit together without identifying to others what item they have.
Have the students quiz the rest of the group on the topic by reading aloud the definition, giving an example of the item, or walking students through the problem.
Students learned result be derived score essay that gets to be shown by student via orderly examination activity with work problems on winks studi's area english language. 
D. Data Collecting Appliance
Data collecting tool in observational it is: (1 ) observations / field notes, and (2 ) studying results. Observation or field note is meant to know executed learning activity at class up to observational action performing is done. Meanwhile studying result via test. this learned result test is used to know the student’s ability on english especially on vocabulary. The test is tested its validity and reliability before using the test instrument.
E.Research Procedure
This observational procedure is done thru two cycles, consisting of planning action, performing, observation and reflection. Classroom Action Research’s performing steps that is done can be divided as follows:
1. Action planning
  • Arranging the learning plans corresponds to the material chastened  by applying Index Card Macthstrategy.
  • preparing the source lerning
  • preparing the student's answer sheet .
  • preparing the questions for evaluation .

2. Action performing
·         The teacher teach in the class according to strategical learning already being arranged.
·         Teacher performs the learning process by applying Index Card Macth strategy
·         Teacher gives time to student to give questions for the material that is explained.
·         Teacher gives the explanation or review to material that is being studied.
·         Teacher gives the evaluation to student to see their mastery in material those are given.

3.      Observation
·         See and notes student's action while the teacher is teaching in the class.
·         See and notes student response while the teacher is teaching.
·         Notes the student's ability in understanding the English learning material.

4.      Reflection phase
·         Talk over with the collaborator (partner teacher) about the observation data or field note that involves the learning process that is applied in the class.
·         Based on the discussion result, make a planning or succeeding cycle accords requirement.

Picture 1 Cycle in classroom action research
(Classroom Action Research)

Reflektion I
Observation I
Analyzing Data I
About problem
Resolving alternative
       (I. action plan)
Performing    (I. action)



Resolving alternative
       (II. action plan)

Performing    (II. action)

Observation II
Analyzing Data II

Reflektion II
The next cycle

F. Method of Analyzing Data
Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data   deskriptif kuantitatif. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dari pengamatan pelaksanaan tindakan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menarasikan hasil tes hasil belajar dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi. Selanjutnya untuk menguji hipotesis tindakan yang peneliti ajukan dilakukan dengan menganalisis hasil belajar pada siklus pertama dengan hasil belajar pada siklus kedua dengan melihat perbedaan rata-rata yang diperoleh siswa,
This research used the qualitative data analyzing method. Data is came from the observation and test result. And then , to test action hypothesis that researcher proposes to be done by test result analyzing with the learning result on first cycle with learning result on second cycle by seeing the distinctive acquired by the students.

G.  Bibliography
Arikunto, Suharsini.(1998). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: PT RinekaCipta.
Arikunto, S. (2002). Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.
Djojosuroto, Kinayati. (2007). Filsafat Bahasa. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Book Publisher.
Hornby. (1995). Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary Of Current English. New York: Oxford University Press.
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. (2013). English Vocabulary. Accessed on 7th of oct 2013 at 9.47 pm 
Candra, Syahrum( 2012 ) Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Jakarta : Cita Pustaka.

The Implementation Of Index Card Match Strategy To Increase
The Students’ Ability In English Vocabulary At VII Class Students of
SMP Karya Bunda Medan Estate In Academic Year 2012/2013
(Classroom Action Research)
BY :
IMAM SATRIA (34114142)

Drs. Syahrum, M.Pd

Class   :           PBI  V  Semester  5



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