Senin, 22 Desember 2014


1.            Linguistics is the discipline that describes the structure of language including it’s grammar, sound system, and vocabulary. The field of psycholinguistic, or psychology of language is concerned with discovering the psychological processes by which human equired and use language. Can you give the example of using psycholinguistics in daily life ?

2.            Some researches have purpose that thought or thinking is concluded using silent speech.  Do you agree? Can you think without language ? give the examples to illustrate your answer?
3.            Comprehension is a matter of abstracting features from a message and combaining those features in some way to constract and over all meaning. How do people comprehend the messeges.?


1). Linguistics is the discipline that describes the structure of language including it’s grammar, sound system, and vocabulary. The field of psycholinguistic, or psychology of language is concerned with discovering the psychological processes by which human equired and use languageStudy of Psycolinguistics  is study how people can give the meaning of something, some words, sentences, spokens, or writtens.
For example in my daily activity :
When I given the question by my friend , I received the question or information from by my hear,and before answering the question, I always arrange word by word in my head before I speak, then I put it in the sentences and the last I speak or answer it to the questioner/my friend. Here we can see the fast process in my head to answer question with step processing  à
1, conceptualization,
2, formulation,
3, articulation.
It means language is a system of human vocal symbols, (translatable into written ones), which is used as a means of thinking and feeling, understanding thought and emotion, and expressing thought and emotion in community. In the other word, Language is way of thingking.
2). Language and thoght as well as emotion influence each other in all domains of mind.
So I do agree with it. Of course , I  can not think without language , because language is my way of thinking , Language and thoght as well as emotion influence each other in all domains of mind . We know that language is a tool to express something toward to listener. How the psychology neorobiological to produce the speech , all instruments of language is include in our mind, such as, :
1.      Hear (by language)
2.      Statement, or Question (by language)
3.      News (by language)
4.      Information (by language)
So, actually we received information by language and produced information by language in our mind or thought.
Illustration :  I  get Information (by language) from Dirja and it enter to my hear and go to à WERNICKE’S (language comprehension) go to à BROCA’S (language production) go to à MOTOR VISUAL .

3). Language is the most important aspect in the life of all beings.We use language to express inner thoughts and emotions, make sense of complex and abstract thought, to learn to communicate with others, to fulfill our wants and needs, as well as to establish rules and maintain our culture. Comprehension is the ability to understand a message when we get the meaning. Language comprehension, basically, is the ability to understand language. To comprehend the message or the language , people have to know some approches :
àBehavior approaches, involes : Communication Awareness, Hearing and Auditory Prosessing, Word Knowledge and World Knowledge.
àLinguistic approaches, involves :Knowledge of Word Organization, Discourse, Social Knowledge and Pragmatics.
àCognitive approaches,involves: Attention, Working Memory, Speed of Processing, Organization, Reasoning, Perspective Taking.

One of step to comprehend message :

1.Semantics level        à                                message level

2.Sentence level          à                                functional level ,
lexical selection , functional assigment

                                                                        Positional level

3.Motor level               à                                articulary level

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