Jumat, 19 Desember 2014

The Jealous Crow

The Jealous Crow 
Far, far away there was a grove of shady mango trees. On one of the green trees there lived a cuckoo and a crow. They were quite alike in appearance. Both the birds were black. Only the crow was a little bigger. The cuckoo would lay all her eggs in the crow's nest. For quite sometime they lived as good friends. The cuckoo had a sweet voice and often she would fill the grove with her sweet melody.

One day, a traveller passed by. Night fell and there was darkness all around. The traveller was tired. So he decided to spend the night under the huge mango tree on which the crow and the cuckoo lived.

The night was exceedingly pleasant. Full moon was shedding her lone lustre in the sky. The eerie surrounding made the cuckoo feel supremely happy. She kept singing the whole night long and the passerby was simply captivated by cuckoo's sweet song.

Night passed. The day dawned. It was now the crow's turn to caw. His voice was so harsh to the ears that the traveller soon left the place. When the crow saw the traveller leave the place, in disgust he felt jealous of the sweet-voiced bird. When the cuckoo had gone away in search of food the crow went to the nest in desperation and breaking all the eggs, he threw them down.

The cuckoo, finding all her eggs smashed, was mad with grief. She went to the crow and said, "Oh brother, we had always lived like friends. What made you break all my eggs?"

"Well sister, as you sang, the unknown traveler stayed the whole night. When I started cawing he left the place. I felt insulted and broke all your eggs. Now let us both go to the traveller and ask him why he did so.

So, both the birds flew and flew till they spotted the traveller. When the crow asked him, he replied, "I was carried away by the cuckoo's enchanting voice but your voice was intolerably harsh. So, I left the place. But both of you have been old friends, so you should always live in harmony. You should not feel jealous of your friend."

These words of the passerby pacified both cuckoo and the crow. After that day they lived peacefully.

The just and kind words of a traveller destroyed the ill feeling of jealousy in the crow just as a sprinkling of a little cold water settles the boiling milk.
Taken from Tales of Wisdom, 2002

Gagak yang Cemburu
Jauh, jauh ada rerimbunan pohon mangga yang rindang . Pada salah satu pohon-pohon hijau hiduplah seorang kukuk dan burung gagak. Mereka cukup mirip dalam penampilan. Kedua burung hitam . Hanya gagak itu sedikit lebih besar . Cuckoo akan meletakkan semua telurnya di sarang gagak . Untuk beberapa waktu mereka tinggal sebagai teman baik . Cuckoo memiliki suara manis dan sering dia akan fi ll grove dengan melodi manis .

Suatu hari , seorang musafir lewat. Malam jatuh dan ada kegelapan di sekitar. Traveler lelah . Jadi dia memutuskan untuk menghabiskan malam di bawah pohon mangga besar di mana gagak dan Cuckoo hidup .

Malam itu sangat menyenangkan . Bulan purnama adalah penumpahan kilau tunggal nya di langit . The menakutkan sekitarnya membuat Cuckoo merasa amat bahagia. Dia terus bernyanyi sepanjang malam panjang dan pejalan kaki itu hanya terpesona oleh lagu Cuckoo yang manis .

Malam berlalu . Hari tiba. Kini giliran gagak untuk CAW . Suaranya begitu keras ke telinga bahwa para pelancong segera meninggalkan tempat itu . Ketika burung gagak melihat musafir meninggalkan tempat , dengan jijik ia merasa cemburu burung manis bersuara . Ketika Cuckoo telah pergi untuk mencari makanan burung gagak pergi ke sarang putus asa dan melanggar semua telur , ia melemparkan mereka turun .

Cuckoo , finding semua telurnya pecah , marah dengan kesedihan . Dia pergi ke burung gagak dan berkata , " Oh saudaraku , kami selalu hidup seperti teman-teman . Apa yang membuat Anda memutuskan semua telur saya? "

" Yah kakak , seperti yang Anda bernyanyi , traveler diketahui tinggal sepanjang malam . Ketika saya mulai kaok ia meninggalkan tempat itu . Aku merasa terhina dan mematahkan semua telur Anda . Sekarang mari kita berdua pergi untuk wisatawan dan bertanya kepadanya mengapa ia melakukannya .

Jadi , kedua burung terbang dan terbang sampai mereka melihat traveler. Ketika burung gagak bertanya , ia menjawab , " Saya terbawa oleh suara mempesona Cuckoo tapi suaramu itu intolerably keras . Jadi , aku meninggalkan tempat . Tapi kalian berdua telah teman-teman lama , sehingga Anda harus selalu hidup dalam harmoni . Anda tidak perlu merasa cemburu pada teman Anda . "

Kata-kata yang lewat ditenangkan baik Cuckoo dan burung gagak. Setelah hari itu mereka hidup damai .
Kata-kata yang adil dan jenis wisatawan menghancurkan perasaan sakit kecemburuan di gagak seperti taburan sedikit air dingin mengendap susu mendidih.

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