Jumat, 19 Desember 2014


Lutung is a kind of black monkey in the West Java, Indonesia.
Lutung adalah kera hitam yang terdapat di Jawa Barat Indonesia.
One day, Lutung walked limping and shuffling on the sand.
Satu hari, Lutung berjalan tertatih-tatih di atas pasir.
He has got an accident falling down from a tree.
Dia mengalami kecelakaan jatuh dari pohon.
His body was exhaustedly weak.
Tubuhnya jadi lemah kehabisan tenaga.
He was very starving unfortunately the nearest forest was very far from him.
Dia kelaparan, sayangnya hutan terdekat sangat jauh darinya.
He pushed himself to finally come into a mouth of river.
Dia memaksakan diri hingga akhirnya sampai di muara sungai.
He drank a water greedily.
Dia pun minum air dengan lahap.
Suddenly, he heard a voice of jungle cock, “Why do you look so pale, monkey?” asked the jungle cock, who was picking shrimp up from the river.
Tiba-tiba, dia mendengar suara ayam hutan. “Kenapa kamu terlihat poucat, Lutung ” Tanya Ayam Hutan, yang sedang mencari udang di sungai.
“Please, fly me to the forest across this river ,” asked Lutung.
“Tolong terbangkan aku di hutan di seberang sungai ini,” Pinta Lutung.
The jungle cock agreed to flew him to the nearest forest.
Ayam Hutan setuju dan membawanya ke hutan terdekat.
Lutung held on the jungle cock paw.
Lutung berpeganggan pada kaki Ayam Hutan.
When they arrived at the forest, the Lutung did not want to held off his hand from jungle cock paw.
Saat mereka tiba di hutan, Lutung tidak mau melepaskan pegangganya dari kai Ayam Hutan.
Even though, he pulled out all of jungle cock feather.
Bahkan dia menarik semua bulu-bulu Ayam Hutan.
The jungle cock became unconsciousness.
Si ayam Hutan jadi pingsan.
“He shall be died”, though Lutung.
“Dia mungkin sudah mati,” pikir Lutung.
So, Lutung hid the jungle cock body in the wood and left him to find a fire in the forest.
Jadi, Lutung menyembunyikan tubuh Ayam Hutan di semak dan dia pergi mencari api di hutan.
The jungle cock woke up and found himself loose all his feather.
Ayam Hutan siuman dan menyadari dirinya kehilangan semua bulunya.
He cried when the cow came by.
Dia menangis hingga seeokor Sapi datang mendekat.
“What is the matter with you? Who is very cruel animal pulling up all your feather?” asked cow curiously.
“Kenapa kamu ? Siapa hewan yang kejam yang mencabuti bulu-bulumu ? ” Tanya Sapi ingin tahun.
The Jungle cock told the whole story.
Ayam hutan menceritakan semuanya.
The cow became very angry when he heard what has Lutung done.
Sapi jadi sangat marah ketika mendengar apa yang dilakukan Lutung.
“He must pay for it”, said the cow.
Dia harus diberi pelajaran atas perbuatanyua ini:, Kata Sapi.
He ordered the jungle cock to hide in the shrub.
Dia menyuruh Ayam Hutan untuk bersembunyi di semak-semak.
When Lutung got back with a fire he could find the jungle cock.
Ketika Lutung kembali sambil membawa api, ia mencari Ayam Hutan.
“Do you see where is the dead body of jungle cock I left here?” asked Lutung.
“Apakah kamu melihat Ayam Hutan yg mati yang saya tinggalkan di sini? ” Tanya Lutung.
“The jungle cock has not been died, he swam to the sea”, said cow.
“Ayam Hutan belum mati, dia berenang ke laut,” Kata Kerbau.
The Lutung asked cow to bring him to the rock in the centre of the sea.
Lutung meminta Sapi untuk mengantarkannya ke batu karang di tengah laut.
Lutung though that the jungle cock might be hiding in that rock.
Lutung berpikir bahwa Ayam Hutan\ bersembunyi di karang.
the cow nicely agreed to send Lutung to the rock.
Sapi dengan senang hati setuju mengantarkan Lutung ke batu karang.
The cow swam and brought the Lutung to the rock where he asked for.
Sapi menyelam dan membawa Lutung ke batu karang yang dia minta.
Without any suspicious the lutung jump up to the rock happily.
Tanpa curiga, lutung melompat ke batu karang dengan gembira.
The cow left him alone when he was far enough from the cow he said “I hope you will be died eat by the giant octopus”.
Sapi meninggalkannya sendirian, dan saat sudah cukup jauh dari Sapi, dia berkata “Semoga kamu mati di makan gurita”
Lutung realised what happened done to himself, he sat on the top of rock and cried.
Lutung pun menyadari apa yang terjadi pada dirinya, dan dia berdiri di atas batu karang dan menangis.
When the time passed by, Lutung heard a voice from the sea “Why are you cry” asked the turtle.
Waktu pun berlalu hingga Lutung mendengar suara yang datang dari lautan “Mengapa enkau menangis’ Tanay  kura-kura.
” And I wonder why you may get here”.
Dan saya heran kenapa kamu ada di sini “
” I come here by a boat, but my boat twisted up and finally I come to this miserable place” answered Lutung.
“Saya ke sini dengan perahu, tapi perahuku terbalik dan akhirnya saya berada ditempat yg menyedihkan ini” Jawab Lutung
The turtle felt sorry for him and agreed to bring the Lutung back to the beach.
Kura kura merasa kasihan padanya dan sepakat untuk membawa Lutung kembali ke pantai.
When the they arrived on the beach Lutung said “How can you go swim so fast?”.
Saat mereka tiba di pantai, Lutung berkata “Bagaimana kamu bisa berenang dengan cepat ?”
“It because my special feet”, answered turtle.
“Itu karena kaki khususku ” Jawab Kura kura.
“May I see your special feet?” asked Lutung.
“Boleh saya lihat kaki khususmu itu” Tanya Lutung
Lutung turned turtle over his body.
Lutung membalikkan tubuh Kurakura.
However, when the turtle has turned over, the Lutung immediately left him and went on to find a lion the King of the Jungle.
Meskipun begitu, ketika Kurakura sudah terbalik, Lutung segera meninggalkannya dan pergi mencari Singa si Raja di Hutan.
He tough that only a lion who could pick out the delicious turtle meat from his hard shell.
Dia berpikir bahwa hanya singa yang dapat mencongkel daging lezat Kurakura dari cangkangnya yang keras.
Turtle cried and shouted for help.
Kura kura menangis dan berteriak meminta tolong.
“What is happened with you?” asked a mouse.
“Ada apa denganmu ” Tanay seekor tikus
Turtle told the whole sad happened to himself.
Kurakura lalu menceritakan semua kejadian sedih yang terjadi padanya.
The mouse become very angry.
Tikus menajdi marah.
He and other mice dug sand below the turtle body.
Dia dan tikus tikus lainnya menggali pasir di bawah tubuh Kura kura.
They hoped when the water up and high the turtle shall turn over easily.
Mereka berharap bila air pasang dan tinggi maka Kurakura akan dengan mudah membalikkan badannya.
Meanwhile, they were waiting for Lutung arrival.
Sementara itu, mereka menanti kedatangan Lutung.
The mice covered the turtle body with the body of themselves.
Para tikus menutupi tubuh Kurakura dengan tubuh mereka.
And they danced and made a poem sound “Let us be happy — with the funny Lutung — who has cheated the King of The Jungle–.
Dan mereka berdansa dan berpuisi “Mari bergembira .. dengan si lucu Lutung  .. yang telah menipu si Raja Hutan ..
who though there was a delicious turtle but –“.
yang berpikir ada  Kurakura lezat tetapi ..”
Lutung who came with the lion become very surprised.
Lutung yang datang dengan Singa sangat terkejut.
He wonder where was the turtle.
Dia bertanya=tanya di mana Kurakura berada.
After heard the poem of mice the lion become very angry because he felt foolish to be cheated.
Setelah mendengar puisi dari pra tikus, Singa menajdi sangat marah karena dia merasa bodoh telah di tipu.
“Where is the turtle you told me?” asked the lion furiously.
“Mana Kurakura yang kamu katakan padaku ? “Tanya Singa dengan marah.
The lion caught the lutung with his sharp claw and brought him with his mouth to the jungle.
Singa menangkap Lutung dengan cakarnya yang tajam lalu membawanya dengan mulutnya ke hutan.

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